front of ronzoni vermicelli packaging
back of ronzoni vermicelli packaging
3/4 view of ronzoni vermicelli packaging
3/4 view of ronzoni vermicelli packaging

Applaud, Vermicelli

Ronzoni Vermicelli, delicious and thin. This delicate, elongated pasta beautifully complements light sauces. Simmer it in brothy soups—oh-so delightful. Vermicelli is a scrumptious win!

Cooking Directions



· Excellent Vermicelli · Excellent Vermicelli

Excellent Vermicelli

Light & Thin

Slimmer than Spaghetti, Vermicelli is a dainty delight.

Remarkably Round 

Vermicelli’s cylindrical shape complements a wide range of dishes. 

Delish in a Pinch

The slender nature of Vermicelli pasta allows it to cook quickly— a plate of delightful comfort within minutes.

Soup’s On

Vermicelli pasta can be broken up for soups like minestrone, chicken noodle or pho.

Peruse the Pasta Aisle
