
Ditalini Decadence

Tiny, but not teeny. It’s the thimble of joy known as ditalini pasta, widely rounded and hollow to fill with flavor. Embraced in dishes, warm and cool—hearty stews, chilled pasta salads, and plenty of meals to savor.

Cooking Directions



· A Spoonful of Yum · A Spoonful of Yum

A Spoonful of Yum

Salad Connoisseur

The size and shape make Ditalini perfect for salads.

Spoons at the Ready  

Little ditalini pasta is easily spooned up in a hearty soup or stew.

diagrammatic drawing of ditalini pasta

Comfort Carriers

Hollow tubes are made to fill with the flavors of your favorite dishes.

Dainty Delicacies

Not too big. Not too small. Ditalini has the just-right bite.

Peruse the Pasta Aisle
