
Posh Gemelli 

What a gem! Ronzoni Gemelli pasta, aka “pasta twins,” puts a lovely twist on any pasta dish. Pasta twirled into a twine-like twist, Gemelli’s curves hold all types of sauces. Baked, boiled, or chilled, this pasta brings the thrills.

Cooking Directions



· Twine and Dine with Gemelli · Twine and Dine with Gemelli

Twine and Dine with Gemelli

Twist and Twirl 

Gemelli is the enigmatic pasta twirled into a tasteful twist!

Styled Salads 

For a bit of fun and fancy, dress up pasta salads with gemelli.

diagrammatic drawing of gemelli pasta

Tressed to Impress 

Gemelli’s twisty tresses are best dressed in red and creamy sauces. 

One-Pot Potential 

This specialty pasta adds pizazz, even in the simplest recipes. 

Peruse the Pasta Aisle
