
Captivating Tricolor Rotini

Ronzoni Tricolor Rotini brings a burst of color to every plate. Brighten up cold salads and side dishes — sparking joy in all your favorite rotini pastas. Enriched with tomato and spinach, Tricolor Rotini is a beautiful addition for any meal. Go ahead, perk up your plate!

Cooking Directions



· Beautiful Tricolor Rotini · Beautiful Tricolor Rotini

Beautiful Tricolor Rotini

Pretty Plate 

Enriched with tomato and spinach, Tricolor Rotini brings a burst of color to every plate.

Springy Spiral

Rotini is a short pasta shape, known for its corkscrew shape. 

Close Connections

Rotini is a cousin to Fusilli but with a slightly more compact and tighter spiral shape.

Spin Up Scrumptious

Named “little wheels,” Rotini’s spirals spin up a variety of sauces from meaty ragus to light, lemony oils.

Peruse the Pasta Aisle
