
More Ziti, Please

If nostalgia took the shape of pasta, Ronzoni Ziti would be its embodiment. Smooth and tubular, Ziti channels warm memories. Pair it with thick and hearty sauces. Seconds and third helpings are more than welcome. Dig in!

Cooking Directions



· Ziti, Tasty & Traditional · Ziti, Tasty & Traditional

Ziti, Tasty & Traditional

Smooth Moves

Ziti pasta has a smooth exterior — ideal for thick sauces.

Tasty Tunnels

Ziti’s tunnels transport flavors, cradling delicious saucy filling. 

Celebratory Dish 

Ziti, deriving from “zita” meaning “bride,” holds a longstanding tradition of gracing the bride’s wedding dish.

Cozy Bakes 

Ziti pasta shines in heart-warming casserole-style bakes.

Peruse the Pasta Aisle
